
7 Must Read Books to Elevate your Life – Live Life Intentionally Book Challenge

Most people have experienced a rollercoaster of stress and headaches over the last couple of years. 

As a result, many of us started to feel stuck and possibly helpless or unaccomplished.  

At least, that’s exactly how I felt before I challenged myself to live life intentionally.

I would love to help you get out of your rut by sharing exactly what I did to get out of my own rut. 

Let me share the seven books that helped change my life perspective and allowed me to elevate my life. 

I hope you too will live life intentionally and challenge your life’s perspective with these books.   

If you have some book suggestions for me, PLEASE leave them in the comments. I would love to continue growing and challenging myself to live life intentionally. 

Live Life Intentionally

I felt lost and did not have a clear direction of where my life was going. 

Life passed me by as I spiraled into a helpless victim mentality. 

I had to snap myself out of it but didn’t know how or where to start.

After reading and listening to these books I realized that life is happening for us to experience. It is not merely happening to us! 

Why be victims of our circumstances when we can take control and choose the path we take. 

Will it be difficult? Yes!

Will there be doubt? Yes!

Will it empower us? Yes!

Will it change our lives for the better? Yes!

Living life intentionally means that there is a reason behind everything you do. 

Whatever the task may be, however small or big, you are doing it on purpose for a reason! 

7 Must Read Books to Elevate your Life

Here are my 7 Must Read Books to Elevate your Life. These books will help start your journey. They provide a different perspective on life. They encourage self-empowerment, personal development, and resilience. 


The Alchemist

Author: Paulo Coelho

The story follows a young shepherd on his journey to find a treasure he learned about in a recurring dream. One of its messages is to follow your dreams while being conscientious of your life in the current moment.  


Mans Search for Meaning

Author: Viktor E. Frankl

Psychiatrist Viktor E. Frank’s memoir describes life during his captivity in a Nazi-Germany concentration camp. He explores the idea of finding meaning in life – even under the most horrific circumstances – through work, love, or suffering. Meaningfulness can be subjective and can change throughout time. The message is that identifying what is meaningful to us in every moment will lead to a meaningful life. 


Make Your Bed – Little Things That Can Change Your Life… And Maybe The World 

Author: William H. McRaven

William McRaven shares ten powerful life lessons he learned throughout his training and career as a Navy Seal. His experiences are unique, but the lessons he shares can be applied to any aspect of life. 


Tuesdays with Morrie

Author: Mitch Albom

Mitch – the main character – finds himself unhappy and unfulfilled, but his entire life and mentality change when he discovers his old college professor is terminally ill. Mitch reconnects with his professor and begins to visit him routinely. They have long conversations about death and what it truly means to live. 


Smarter Faster Better – The Secrets of Being Productive in Life and Business 

Author: Charles Duhiggs

The author shares the secrets of being productive through great anecdotes. Charles Duhiggs explores the concept of managing how you think to transform your life. He uses stories and studies to help create a picture of how you can apply each concept. 


UnF*** Yourself: Get Out of Your Head and into your life

Author: Gary John Bishop

This excellent book addresses a defeated, helpless, victim mentality. Gary John Bishop walks you through tools you can use to harness your greatness. He is straightforward and does not sugarcoat anything. You have to be willing to put in the work and accept the harsh reality! 


Where Ever You Go There You Are – Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life 

Author:Jon Kabat-Zinn

With bite-sized sections, Where Ever You Go There You Are can be read and processed at any pace. Each section addresses a different topic and ends with a “Try” suggestion to implement what you have learned. Jon Kabat-Zin discusses Mindfulness and meditation as an ongoing practice. 

Elevate your Mind

These seven books helped me change my mentality and helped me start living life intentionally.

I hope they can do the same for you.  

And don’t worry, if you don’t want to read the books, you can also find them on Audible

I love using Audible during long commutes or while doing chores around the house. 

What personal development books would you recommend?